Defense Authorization Bill Will Have NSA Among Noisy Passengers

Australia’s JP129 Phase 2 UAV Contract: i-View Out, Shadow In

ADF RQ-7B Shadow(click to view full) In December 2006, Australia bought a new tactical UAV to go with the Israeli Skylark mini-UAV. Australian Minister of Defence Senator Hill said the Government had agreed to the A$ 145 million (USD $109 million) UAV project to...
Defense Authorization Bill Will Have NSA Among Noisy Passengers

Afghan Security Forces Not Growing Into Institutions Able to Support Oversight

Afghanistan Drawdown Update * Winter slows down combat in Afghanistan, and ISAF Commander General Dunford sounds rather optimistic about how the 2013 fighting season unfolded, but he recognizes that “[m]uch work remains to be done in developing the institutions,...
Defense Authorization Bill Will Have NSA Among Noisy Passengers

NSA Spying Pervasive Throughout Europe, Though Maybe Not So Secret to Government Leaders

NSA Euro Saga * According to El Mundo [in Spanish], the NSA proceeded in Spain to the same sort of spying denounced by France and Germany last week. * Meanwhile the Süddeutsche Zeitung claims [in German] that not only the French government knew of at least some of the...