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$7M to Research Effects of Directed Energy Weapons on Humans

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System 2 ADS Concept Conceptual MindWorks in San Antonio, TX received a $7 million cost-plus fixed-fee contract to provide for research support around emerging directed energy weapons (including non-lethal weapons) and their effects on humans. Work will be conducted in cooperation with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Human Effectiveness Directorate (AFRL/HEDR), Directed Energy Bio-effects Division, Radio frequency Radiation Branch, located in Brooks City-Base, TX. The scope of the proposed contract will focus on bioeffects research on directed energy and kinetic energy systems, to assist in transitioning DoD technologies from the lab to the front lines. As noted in an earlier DID article regarding the city-base’s $4 billion construction and hazardous waste engineering contract, Brooks City-Base is an innovative public-private partnership with the City of San Antonio, TX… Under the lease agreement, the property was conveyed to a quasi-governmental authority for economic development, and the City of San Antonio now provides municipal and other services to the base to allow the Air Force to focus more efficiently on its military mission. The future vision for Brooks is a thriving bioscience, academic, environmental and technical center of excellence that will enhance Air Force missions at the base and encourage future development in […]

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