Americas In an effort to attract US customers, Anduril Industries recently showcased the capabilities of its Dive Extra-Large Autonomous Undersea Vehicle (XL-AUV) off the coast of California. The autonomous submarine reportedly completed a 100-hour single voyage — the...
Missiles – Ballistic Articles
Pentagon Grounded V-22 | GA Tapped For Italian Reaper Sustainment | Australia Test-Fires Tomahawk
Americas The Pentagon has once again grounded its entire fleet of V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. This comes after a worrying incident at Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico on November 20, where a CV-22 Osprey experienced a near-crash shortly after takeoff. Initial...
V-22 Osprey
(click to view full) In March 2008, the Bell Boeing Joint Project Office in Amarillo, TX received a $10.4 billion modification that converted the previous N00019-07-C-0001 advance acquisition contract to a fixed-price-incentive-fee, multi-year contract. The new...
NG Modernizes US Litening Secure Data Links | DoS Approved FMS To Tunisia | JMSDF Chose SeaGuardian
Americas The US Department of Defense has introduced a new strategy aimed at enhancing the protection of military facilities and personnel from the growing threat of drones. While the strategy itself is classified, an unclassified fact sheet details its broader scope,...
AMRAAM: Deploying & Developing America’s Medium-Range Air-Air Missile
AIM-120C from F-22A (click for test missile zoom) Raytheon's AIM-120 Advanced, Medium-Range Air to Air Missile (AMRAAM) has become the world market leader for medium range air-to-air missiles, and is also beginning to make inroads within land-based defense systems. It...
Canada Boosts Military Presence In Arctic | Raytheon To Continue Work In NGJ-MB | 1st Belgian F-35 Arrives In Arizona
Americas Canada will boost its military and diplomatic presence in the Arctic to counter what it calls threats from Russia and others seeking a foothold in the far north, as part of a new doctrine unveiled Friday. The government envisions the deployment of new patrol...
US Army Modernizes Chinooks | Spanish Eurofighter With ECRS Flew For 1st Time | Missiles launched From Bushmasters Could Be Operated By Australian Army
Americas The US Army is pressing ahead with modernising its fleet of CH-47F Chinook helicopters, with recent contract awards to Boeing for the production of new Block II Chinooks. This latest order underscores the Army’s commitment to upgrading its heavy-lift...
The New Chinooks: Boeing’s Modern H-47 Heavy-Lift Helicopters
CH-47Fs take off (click to view full) DII FOCUS articles offer in-depth, updated looks at significant military programs of record; this FOCUS Article covers the CH-47F/MH-47G Chinook helicopter programs, in the USA and abroad. These helicopters' distinctive "flying...
Eurofighter’s Future: Tranche 3, and Beyond
Italian Eurofighters (click to view full) The multi-national Eurofighter Typhoon has been described as the aerodynamic apotheosis of lessons learned from the twin engine "teen series" fighters that began with the F-14 and F-15, continued with the emergence of the...