As of Friday, February 3, 2006, the USA’s 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review has been released. As Title 10, Section 118 stipulates, the QDR’s Congressional mandate is: The Secretary of Defense shall every four years… conduct a comprehensive examination...
eDefense Online covers a number of highlights from the USA’s FY 2006 defense appropriations law H.R. 2863.ENR, now Public Law #109-148. eDefense Online writes: “In the end, the US House of Representative and US Senate agreed to authorize $491.5 billion in...
Over the past couple of weeks, the major American defense manufacturers have announced their Q4 2005 and FY 2005 financial results. Below, DID has noted some quick year-end figures for each. These figures are for total operations, including defense and civilian...
737 SIGINT Concept(click to view full) DID has covered the Aerial Common Sensor spy-plane program to replace the USAF’s RC-12 Guardrails and RC-7 Crazy Hawks, and the Navy’s EP-3 Aries II. From explaining the program and its forced change of aircraft, to...
This weekend, DID got a note from reader J.A., who informed us that the site’s auto-refresh every 6 minutes or so was driving him batty. He hated it. We hadn’t really thought about that; it’s something built into the site’s original software...