Inside Defense notes that Adm. Edmund Giambastiani, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is distilling a shortlist of new, high-priority weapon system requirements along with the service Vice Chiefs. In a departure from usual approaches, the new batch of Joint...
LAIRCM on C-17 The Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH has issued a pair of contracts to Boeing subsidiary McDonnell Douglas in Long Beach, CA. The contracts are related to the C-17 Globemaster III sustainment partnership...
ATFLIR Pod Raytheon Co., Space and Airborne Systems in El Segundo, CA received a $10.1 million modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-03-C-0364) for nonrecurring engineering efforts associated step one of an engineering change proposal...
Attaching a Maverick(click to view full) Marvin Engineering Co., Inc. in Inglewood, CA received a $5.6 million firm-fixed-price contract to provide for LAU-117 (V3) launchers used with AGM-65 Maverick precision attack missiles. This effort support foreign military...
The Walsh Group in Chicago, IL is receiving $18.1 million for construction of a consolidated reserve center at the at the Schenectady County Airport. The new joint Armed Forces Reserve center will accommodate the necessary training and support functions from three old...