In our October 2005 article “EU Defense Ministers Take Initial Steps to Open Up Arms Competition,” DID pointed to the EU’s European Defense Agency, its radical push for greater integration in Europe’s defense industry, and its less radical...
Layered ABM defense(click to view full) Defense Update editor Tamir Eshel writes to let us know that Raytheon Company and Rafael Armament Development Authority have been selected by the Israel Ministry of Defense’ Defense Research and development Directorate...
In the wake of a major contract award and GAO report, DID recently covered Deepwater, the US Coast Guard’s $20-25 billion program to update its aging fleet and acquire new aircraft, ships, and intelligence and communications resources. One important but...
F-15E: Mission executed.(click to view full) Boeing received a $13.2 million U.S. Air Force contract to develop new F-15 Suite 6 mission planning software under the Mission Planning Enterprise Contract (MPEC) program. The contract provides for mission planning...
The USA is funding an R&D effort for global positioning system (GPS) modernized user equipment (MUE). The primary objective for the MUE receiver card development program is to develop and demonstrate a modernized user segment receiver card, thus establishing a...