Canadian Parliament(click to view larger) Philip E. Coyle, III served as the Pentagon’s Assistant Secretary of Defense and Director, Operational Test and Evaluation from 1994-2001. On March 29, 2007, he spoke before Canadian Parliamentary representatives and...
In Afghanistan, there are often overlaps between the people involved in narcotics trafficking, illegal weapons and terrorist activity. Drug lords aren’t always Taliban allies, but opium trafficking is a critical source of funds for the Taliban/al-Qaeda. The US...
The Headquarters Electronic Systems Center at Hanscom Air Force Base, MA has broad responsibility for buying military electronics, managing about 200 programs and administering an annual budget of more than $3 billion. Recently, they issued a set of contracts for...
AN/ALR-67 V3(click to view full) Radar Warning Receivers (RWR) are essential to battlefield survival. They pinpoint the locations of friendly and enemy radar emitters, and warn pilots if they are being targeted. Future Super Hornet improvements will go a step further,...