Rapid Fire Nov. 20, 2012: Honeywell Plans for Almost Full Sequester

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* Honeywell briefed [PDF] investors on their outlook for the years ahead, which they base on the assumption that 80% of sequestration funding cuts may happen. They estimate that their revenue at risk in case of full sequestration is limited to just 2% of revenue thanks to their diversified portfolio and expected growth outside of the US. This might help explain their vocal support for federal debt reduction, contrarily to the position of prime contractors such as Lockheed Martin. * In a letter [PDF] to House Armed Services Committee chairman Buck McKeon, the Pentagon’s director for Operational Test & Evaluation Michael Gilmore notes a number of learnings from the the F-22A program that helped limit corrosion on F-35s, from design decisions to how and where to conduct tests (i.e. fly outside of hot dry deserts). * Israel’s Iron Dome is getting a lot of press for a reported 80+% interception rate since fighting with Hamas started last week. Haaretz | Jerusalem Post | UPI. * 10 European countries signed a letter of intent to pool air tanker resources by 2020, among other defense sharing initiatives. Non-EU member Norway is part of the signatories, alongside France, Spain, Portugal, The Netherland, Belgium, […]

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