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Coalition of the Half-Heartedly Willing Meets to Discuss ISIS

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* US top brass say that ISIL is winning its way to defeat [Politico]. * WaPo: Serious disagreements remain in U.S.-led coalition battling the Islamic State. * RAND Corporation is attempting to draw lessons from 13 years of war and recommends a similar whole-of-government approach that takes political and cultural aspects into account. Built to Compete? * The CSIS think tank looks at [PDF] the quality and intensity of competition for US defense contracts under Better Buying Power. There are wide discrepancies among the services and depending on whether goods or services are procured. * DID is running its annual readership survey. Have we delivered Better Reading Power 2.0? Let us know. Asia * The Diplomat reviews the dynamics of the Japanese-Vietnamese security relationship. You have to give it to the Chinese that they’re good at bringing other people together. Bitcoin Primer * Cryptocurrencies are interesting to intel for reasons beyond concerns about who will use them. Information regarding who does use them is also a valid data point, and sometimes breaks into overt events – like Russia’s recent move to ban them [RT] after becoming their #2 market [Coin Telegraph], ahead of China. * To get an in-depth view, […]

* US top brass say that ISIL is winning its way to defeat [Politico].

* WaPo: Serious disagreements remain in U.S.-led coalition battling the Islamic State.

* RAND Corporation is attempting to draw lessons from 13 years of war and recommends a similar whole-of-government approach that takes political and cultural aspects into account.

Built to Compete?

* The CSIS think tank looks at [PDF] the quality and intensity of competition for US defense contracts under Better Buying Power. There are wide discrepancies among the services and depending on whether goods or services are procured.

* DID is running its annual readership survey. Have we delivered Better Reading Power 2.0? Let us know.


* The Diplomat reviews the dynamics of the Japanese-Vietnamese security relationship. You have to give it to the Chinese that they’re good at bringing other people together.

Bitcoin Primer

* Cryptocurrencies are interesting to intel for reasons beyond concerns about who will use them. Information regarding who does use them is also a valid data point, and sometimes breaks into overt events – like Russia’s recent move to ban them [RT] after becoming their #2 market [Coin Telegraph], ahead of China.

* To get an in-depth view, and see a very different model for Senate hearings while you’re at it, check out a recent Canadian Senate hearing involving Andreas Antonopoulos in the following video. Antonopoulos is a very strong proponent. Watchers may disagree, but he’s a widely recognized guru who presents the argument at its strongest:

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