* Cobham announced its intent to acquire Aeroflex for $1.46B, in order to grow commercial sales, especially in connectivity products. The resulting entity will see commercial revenue reach more than 40% of total sales, up from Cobham’s current 35%.
Testing Operational Fit vs. Checking Paper Requirements
* The US Department of Defense’s office for Operational Test & Evaluation (DOTE) published a presentation [PDF] explaining the value of what they’re tasked to do. They insist not to “test to the test” but rather to try and measure actual operational capabilities in realistic conditions. The memo lists a number of programs where DOTE was able to lean in and change Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) to better assess actual mission effectiveness.
US Acquisition Tweaks
* The US Air Force has decided to split [PDF] its Sustainment and Modification of Optical and Radar Sensors (SMORS) acquisition into 2 contracts.
* The US Coast Guard’s FY15 industry day originally scheduled early next month has been cancelled and will take place in the 1st quarter of the new fiscal year.
In the Market for Hummers
* Mexico would like to buy 3,335 M1152 HMMWVs for about $556M while Iraq seeks 200 M1151A1s HMMWVs for $101M.
East Asian Missile Defense
* The US government is reportedly promoting an information-sharing system that would involve both Japan and South Korea, which appears more palatable to the former than the latter.
Libya’s Weak Government
* The Guardian: Tripoli tense after attack on Libyan parliament.
* Reuters: Libyan special forces commander says his forces join renegade general. See also AJ video.
Autonomous At Sea
* USNAVAIR talks about its growing unmanned efforts in today’s video: