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2011-06: ITT Gets $569M SINCGARS Radio Order

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Mounted RT-1523 SINCGARS(click to view full) SINCGARS (Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System) is the U.S. Army’s current core tactical radio technology, ordered since 1983 and deployed in over 130 military platforms, such as Humvees (HMMWV), Bradley fighting vehicles, and transport trucks. SINCGARS uses 25 kHz channels in the VHF FM band, from 30 – 87.975 MHz, using single-frequency and frequency hopping (111 hops/sec) modes. June 1/11: ITT Communications Systems, Fort Wayne, IN receives a $569 million firm-fixed-price contract modification of an existing contract to deliver SINCGARS radios, ancillary equipment, spare parts, and repair and engineering services. Work will be performed in Fort Wayne, IN, with an estimated completion date of Nov 29/11. One bid was solicited, with one bid received by U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD (W15P7T-05-D-J101).

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