America’s rapid development and fielding of land robots, as well as the lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan, are inspiring serious interest across the Atlantic. A Rheinmetall news release touting its multiple entries led us to the European Land Robots Exhibition (ELROB) 2006 site. The event had been held in May 15-18, 2006 in Hammelburg, Germany by the German Armed Forces. It was designed to provide an overview of the European state-of-the-art in the field of UGVs, UGV carriers, self-driving vehicles, et. al., and included a number of entries from commercial firms and universities including QinetiQ’s battle-proven TALON.
By all accounts, it appears to have been a success. The site’s pages offer a good snapshot of the state of the industry in Europe, and the official ELROB 2006 site has lists of teams, pictures – even feedback on the event from various teams. A civilian applications C-ELROB follow-on will take place August 2007 in Ticino, Switzerland.