Israel Aims for Net-Centric Warfare with the Tsayad Program

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Israel has launched an ambitious program to digitize its Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) architecture to increase the operational speed and agility of its ground forces. Built around a wireless backbone supported by software programmable radios, this Digital Army Program (DAP, known as "Tsva Yabasha Digitali" in Hebrew, or "Tsayad") will build a system of systems including a software-based data radio called Green Elad, a layer called TIGER (Tactical Intranet Geographic dissEmination) that will tie DAP into legacy systems, the TORC2H system which seems similar to the U.S. "Blue Force Tracker", a lightweight tactical operations center, and a number of other command and communications applications, some of which were put on hold while DAP was fleshed out....

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